Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pass On a poem by Micheal Lee

This will make you love the wind....

Listen and write a post with a photo that responds to this in your own way!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blogger Tutorial

Click here for the Tutorial. (Title of this post is a link, too)

Read through the directions carefully. Open a second tab so that you can "do" what the tutorial tells you and also refer to directions! When you get to the template choice, note that there is an additional tutorial explaining how to upload templates. (These are snazzy jazzy!)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

A Day Made of Glass: Future Technology

Read this post and then click on the Title (it's a link to the 2nd video- the first is posted below)

Ever wonder what technology might or will look like when you are older and blown away by what can happen? Now there are adults in your life who easily remember life with out cell phones, internet, iPods, etc. and see how different the world is today.

You will be this adult one day! What kinds of technology will make YOU feel that way? Watch the videos and post a blog sharing your reaction. What amazes you? Which 3 features would you like to have in your future life?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Podcast Prep: Matrix

You will be using YOUR IDEAS from your movie notes/story boards and the metaphor notes you jotted down on the handout.

You will also RESEARCH - look to other sources, to learn new stuff about what is being said about the Matrix. You will need to give credit to these places.

1. Gather your information. (use links below AND look on your own!)
2. OUTLINE: 30 points
On a word doc, write up a rough outline. Organize your ideas. Write down what kinds of images you want to find... or go ahead and find them and paste them into this outline.
3. Collect 5 quotes that you like and want to include in your podcast. See links below.
4. Check in the OUTLINE and QUOTES with me. Then proceed to Garage Band.

Matrix info on Wikipedia
Matix images
Good Review
Wiki-Matrix Quotes!
Matrix Quotes
More quotes