Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Now Hear This!

Your assignments are posted on MY BLOG (right?). So, your job is to check in here to see what you are being asked to do and what you are earning credit for. (Thanks in advance for you good job with this.)

1. Commenting on OTHER CLASSMATES means saying something of SUBSTANCE. Do you just write a one liner that could apply to any post? Do not do that. Comment on the text in someone's post. Show that you read it and are thinking about what was said. 50 words at least required now.

2. Video lesson. Yes, let's have a sword fight outside. Let's use props. How can you get credit for this? Ahhh, glad you asked. FIRST: Create a 6 scene story board. READ THIS NOW: LESSON Note what kind of shot (close up, POV, OSS, long or medium shot, etc.) Draw a sketch to show what you intend to show.

3. But wait! That means I have to have a basic/simple plot, doesn't it? (you ask yourself). Glad you asked. Yes it does: A beginning, middle and end. Get on it. And hurry up so we can go outside.

4. Each group must have at least 3 people. You will need someone to film, using the angles/shots that are agreed on for the story board.

5. I must okay EVERYONE's story board before we go. Then grab costumes and props.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rocky Video

Due today: (November 5th!)

Re-watch the Lawrence High Video: Rocky Paper and Sissors. As you watch it, take notes. Then write a blog post critique about this video. Include camera shots/types, use of music, dialogue.

What works well? (Be VERY specific!) What could be better? (specifics, please)

Monday, November 2, 2009

IMovie Project

We are starting the PSA ( public service announcement) project. I would like you to open, save, and then upload this document: iMovie '08

Friday, October 2, 2009

Twilight Book Podcast!

Kennedy's Krib is a great place to go exploring. This is the Media Lit teacher I met last November (2008). I want you to click on Podcasts up at the top of her site. Then go look at the senior student, Courtney's, book post. We have to learn how to do this! She has the movie thing working (moving clouds), info about the character, the author, and her rating. Cool beans.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Week 7 2009

1. Justine has a great post about her book. Go read this if you haven't already and post a comment.

2. We all need to be followers of each other. Let's get this caught up right after the first podcast is complete.

3. I know how to open the podcasts in Quick Time now. Here it is:
  • When you have finished, save your file to your server and again to the desk top. (May also back up on your flash drive.
  • Open the project and go to Share in the top menu. Click on Export podcast to disk.
  • The AAC Encoder window will pop up. Pull up "Higher Quality" and press Export. This will take a while.
  • Make sure you know where you exported your podcast to. (Home folder, desk top?)
  • Open the Quick time program. You can find this in your Applications folder.
  • Go to File, then to Open file in Quick Time.
  • Then you will go to Find File... you will have to open this where you saved it (on the desk top is an easy place to find or go to your home folder.
  • Now you can see and hear your podcast. This will probably show you where you need to go back and make corrections. Does it sound smooth? Do your photos work with what you are saying? Show me before you up load to YouTube.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reece's Audacity Post

Audacity (thanks, Reece)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Podcast Training for week 5

Hello Media Communications class!

It's time to start our next lesson. We are going to focus on creating podcasts now. Some of you are ready to roll. Some of you did not meet the dead line for last week. Not naming names here, but if you want to see blogs that are working the magic, go see Shelby, Reece, Kinsey, or Keith. And, if you are not on this list and want a bit more credit, fire up and get some late credit TODAY.

Please read the podcast steps here: How to get the Podcast going. Start clicking the links and reading the tutorials. On Thursday, I'll give you the requirements for this activity. I am hoping Kinsey and Reece will be helping team teach the Audacity component of this project on that day.

Finish up your novels if you haven't already. You'll need at least 5 images to go along with your book. You will write up a 5 paragraph talk about your book. There are lots of choices in this. I'll have that for you next. Good Luck!

FYI: Progress reports are this week.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Photo Current Event

This is a very serious topic. No "playful" treatment of this issue or photograph is acceptable. You'll see why.

I want you to use this controversy as an opportunity to apply what we have been learning about.

Media Communications students received the NPPA Code of Ethics on a handout. This very current event absolutely calls that document up for review.

1. Re-read the Code of Ethics first.
*** Note: you may read 2 and 3 in which ever order you prefer. It may make a difference!
2. Read the article about the event from the journalist's and photographer's point of view. (Story)
3. Read the criticism about the photograph.

Key Questions for both articles:
1. Who produced the message?

2. What is the purpose of the message (the articles and the photo- even though we will choose not to post of review that photo. You know enough about it)
3. How do both sides add "believablity" or "credibility to their positions?
4. Do you agree or disagree with printing the photo? Was it right or wrong to publish it?

Answer the 4 questions in your next blog post (#4)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Novel Blog Post 2

Greetings! Monday, August 31st marks the day when I asked you to be at least 1/2 done with your novels. Some of you have finished and are starting new ones. Some are not in the habit (yet) of reading for pleasure and that needs to get moving.

In any case, we need another post that is going to help you with your quarter project assignment: a pod cast of your book. You will be using the iMac's Garage Band Program . We will also learn how to record in Audacity for the sound track. If you are interested in experimenting with this ahead of time, do!

The point here is that you are going to need to talk about your book knowledgeably, without giving it away and without resorting to using any other online notes about the book. This has to be your take on it: Reader Responses.

This blog should cover all or some of the following:

An image to add interest. A link if you find a good one.

What is important about this story so far?

Does it remind you of other stories or real life connections (yours, friends', or family's)?

What kind of writer is this? Visual (add at least one or two examples from the book). Strong figurative language (Metphors or Similes: Comparisons that add meaning). Tone (funny, serious, sarcastic....).

What questions do you have? What does it make your wonder about?

Open: anything else you could add that won't give the book away.

This post is due by the end of 2nd block, Sept. 3rd.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Media Resources

Media Matters

Short YouTube clip about Digital Manipulation of Media.

Digital Text

Watch this!


***draft**** for later

DV resources for beginners. Students explore. Learn and Share on wiki.
AFI site. Excellent lessons, beginners to advanced

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


PBS: American Photography
Media Rich Classrooms Text: Lesson 1 Capturing the Pulitzer Prize Photo: An Exercise in Photo Manipulation. Magazine Covers. Time Magazine. US News and World Report. Newsweek.
Blog devoted to Magazines. OJ Simpson: A Tale of Two Covers.
Taking Retouching Too Far. After OJ review, students each select a different photo and explain what happened to the class. Podcast opportunity here.

Pulitzer Prize Photographs: A Traveling Exhibit of Award-Winning Photography Nov. 21-Jan. 24 Harry S. Turman Library and Museum, Independence MO

Re-Touching Reality: Can Pictures Lie?

Manipulating Early Photographs
Frank Baker lesson.

Great Photo Sites: Paul Lester, CA Professor

Great "Block Photo" Project!

What is Media Literacy?

These sources will help us begin our media literacy discussion.
First, we will define this field. Let's start with the flash version.
Web 2.0
Next, read these educators' reasons to teach and learn media literacy. While you read, take notes. List at 8-10 reasons to study in this.
Read the Eight Key Concepts. Take notes while you read. List 10 ideas you'd like to discuss/ask questions about in class.
Media Lit ClearingHouse: Frank Baker (Teacher Resource/Student Discovery topics)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Opening podcast with Quicktime!

So.... I just found out that once the link is clicked and the viewer is asked which application to open with, the drop down menu goes to "Other". At that point, Quick time can be selected. That will allow the podcast to be played with the photos!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Podcast 1 Conway Arkansas 7/09

Open this to view my Arkansas Podcast!

Learning About Blogs and Podcasts

  1. Helps to operate in at least 2 tabs on FireFox: One for viewing and one for editing.
  2. Blogs in plain English: Click here.
  3. Get your Google Account (unless you already have one) Click here:
  4. Set up your blogger account first: Click here.
  5. How follow the podcast steps: Click here.
  6. GarageBand Tutorial video steps. Click here.
  7. Recording for Podcasts with Audacity. Click here.
  8. Creating a Podcast with blogger YouTube. Click here.
  9. How to publish your podcast on Blogger. Click here.
  10. Blogger Help
  11. Podcasting in Plain English
  12. Embedding a YouTube video on your blog. Click here.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kayaking in late July

Today Bill and I loaded the kayaks in the old red truck and headed to Lonestar Lake -early in the morning. We've wanted to do this all summer and finally did.