Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Now Hear This!

Your assignments are posted on MY BLOG (right?). So, your job is to check in here to see what you are being asked to do and what you are earning credit for. (Thanks in advance for you good job with this.)

1. Commenting on OTHER CLASSMATES means saying something of SUBSTANCE. Do you just write a one liner that could apply to any post? Do not do that. Comment on the text in someone's post. Show that you read it and are thinking about what was said. 50 words at least required now.

2. Video lesson. Yes, let's have a sword fight outside. Let's use props. How can you get credit for this? Ahhh, glad you asked. FIRST: Create a 6 scene story board. READ THIS NOW: LESSON Note what kind of shot (close up, POV, OSS, long or medium shot, etc.) Draw a sketch to show what you intend to show.

3. But wait! That means I have to have a basic/simple plot, doesn't it? (you ask yourself). Glad you asked. Yes it does: A beginning, middle and end. Get on it. And hurry up so we can go outside.

4. Each group must have at least 3 people. You will need someone to film, using the angles/shots that are agreed on for the story board.

5. I must okay EVERYONE's story board before we go. Then grab costumes and props.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rocky Video

Due today: (November 5th!)

Re-watch the Lawrence High Video: Rocky Paper and Sissors. As you watch it, take notes. Then write a blog post critique about this video. Include camera shots/types, use of music, dialogue.

What works well? (Be VERY specific!) What could be better? (specifics, please)

Monday, November 2, 2009

IMovie Project

We are starting the PSA ( public service announcement) project. I would like you to open, save, and then upload this document: iMovie '08