Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Podcast Prep: Matrix

You will be using YOUR IDEAS from your movie notes/story boards and the metaphor notes you jotted down on the handout.

You will also RESEARCH - look to other sources, to learn new stuff about what is being said about the Matrix. You will need to give credit to these places.

1. Gather your information. (use links below AND look on your own!)
2. OUTLINE: 30 points
On a word doc, write up a rough outline. Organize your ideas. Write down what kinds of images you want to find... or go ahead and find them and paste them into this outline.
3. Collect 5 quotes that you like and want to include in your podcast. See links below.
4. Check in the OUTLINE and QUOTES with me. Then proceed to Garage Band.

Matrix info on Wikipedia
Matix images
Good Review
Wiki-Matrix Quotes!
Matrix Quotes
More quotes

Monday, April 4, 2011

Matrix Metaphors

We will be discussing and writing about the Matrix Metaphors. Here are some articles to read which should spark ideas.


The Matrix: Revolutions, Explained

Journal of Religion and Film

Matix and Plato's Cave


Danielle's Blog
Yahoo Answers

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Digital Nation Blog

When we are done presentations, you will post a fabulous blog on 3 or more of your classmates' presentations. Use your NOTES (to remember "cool" digital info)! Pull together YOUR learning about Digital Nation. Add an IMAGE and add at least one LINK to your blog. Copy and Paste into word to double check your mechanics.

Then we will be creating a short Animoto. 10 slides and text required.

I had wanted you to build a trailer for your section. If you can use your Digital Nation tab for the Animoto, then you are a rock star.

If you need to do a fun Animoto to practice using the new "cool tool" (Animoto), that is okay, too. (10 slides, good text info)

Before we start our next movie unit (Matrix and its Metaphors) , we need the blogs and the Animotos completed.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Rhyming Dictionary!

This is fun. Go check it out:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Overview/Catch UP

  1. Kourtney, Reece, and Jordan (we missed you last Friday!) Read the other three student blogs on Slings and Arrows. Post a blog commenting on what you missed and say something about the last entertaining movie or TV show you watched. Post at least one image. (This is for CREDIT)
  2. We must get the Epic Presentation unit wrapped up. Follow the directions in the blog assignment below this one.
  3. Digital Nation on the horizon. See the blog assignment listed below so that you know what is coming.
  4. NEW PROGRAM this week. I am looking into that one.

    Digital Media - New Learners Of The 21st Century

Epic Presentations

We are going full steam ahead on theEpic Power Point presentations. Make sure that you have uploaded YOURS through Slide Share onto your blog. It needs to "live" there for credit.

You will take oh so good notes during your classmate's presentation. Then you will post a very detailed blog, selecting the highlights from the presentations. Those directions will be out shortly.

Then we will transition nicely into our Digital Nation Unit. Btw - the program is only a year old... and... I just learned that there is a new program airing this week:

Digital Media - New Learners Of The 21st Century

Digital Nation

New Unit! We are going to listen, watch and learn about the PBS program: Digital Nation

This Introduction gives a good "overview" of the scope of this program. Read this and check out some of the links in the article. Notice the tabs at the top of the page. These are the sections or "chapters" of the program. Watch the 4.30 trailer here / click on the video link.

One tab "Your Stories" shows sooo many different people's connections to our digital world. Notice the category choices in red that are listed in a vertical column. Use those links to select stories. Listen to 5-10 or so, to get a sense of the variety of stories. Notice also that you can send in "your story" which I would like for us to do at the end of this unit.

After completing the above, write a blog about what you are finding our about so far with this introduction. Include 1 or more links and 1 or more images in your post.

The Media Class wiki has an assignment page for this program here. I need to know if you can jump on here or if I need to re-set some preferences.

This is a 90 minute program. You will work individually or with a partner on this unit. Watch the entire program on line (I hope- we may have bandwidth issues) and then follow the wiki assignment directions.

When we are done with this, we will be creating a short Animoto trailer for your section. Then you will present "cool ideas" from your chapter to the group. You will also post a fabulous blog on 3 main learning points from your section. See Justine's here. Cool beans!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Snow Days!

Today in our Media Communications class we got to talking about the snow that is on its way. We just had 3 snow days last week. Vince says that he welcomes the snow with open arms. I am with Vince on this one. Bring it on! Last year I went for a glorious walk on a crisp, clear morning. Ice sparkled everywhere and made me feel like a kid again. Snow angel time!