Friday, November 12, 2010

Cemetary/Playground Photos

This was a great shot for me! I tried several times to "catch" Dalton clicking his heels and finally ot it. I like the colors of the playground equipment in the background I'd call this a medium shot that shows the action. This photo says joy, fun, happy times. I like that Dalton's arms are up the air. I also like how the bench clearly defines the stunt.

This is one of my favorites! I shot this from the playground looking out on the cemetary. The fence frames the bottom and the horizontal fall foliage frames the top. This is a long shot that has a "peaceful easy feeling" for me.

This is another framing effort. I like the sign and how it provides an entrance to the experience. I used the soft edges and the vignette feature. This is a mostly a long shot, telling the story of where we are. It is inviting, even though it is a cemetary.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Shake the Dust

Watch this video for cinepoem ideas. Type cinepoetry into the YouTube search bar to find examples.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Dalton's Play of the Night!

Senior night, our last home game this year!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dalton's Touchdowns! 9/17/10


Posting podcast

Posting podcast

• share à export to disk (.m4a)
• open in quicktime control + click
• Save as quicktime file (.mov)
• Open youtube Browse à upload file
Copy embedded code
Paste into your blog HTML tab.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New PodCast Steps (thanks Vince!)

Podcast Steps

Mr. Krebs has helped us with our posting to Blogger Problem, too:

1. Open Quicktime Player 7, which is probably in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder - if not, it's in the Applications folder itself.

2. In the Quicktime menu on the far left, under Registration, enter

Registered to: Jack Krebs Jr.

Registration Code: ZYUB-6YWK-YKFY-VHLD-N7MS

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

1st Block 8/25

Your blogs look great! I have commented on each one and popped in a grade for you. I want you to get in the habit of checking MY blog to see what we are up to.

Here's what we want to get after today:

  1. Edit your blog post after reading my comments.
  2. Using headphones, watch 2 videos: " Digital Text" and "Did You Know?"
  3. Write your next blog post using at least 3 new cool ideas you picked up by watching the videos. We will have our FIRST round table discussion using our SocSem guidelines and your ideas from watching this. I will set a time so be sure to focus, watch, then write your post.
If time (I hope) we will set up Shelfari. It is not too hard.
  • You go to the Shelfari site first.
  • Find the "More Content" button to the left.
  • Go to "Your Widgets"
  • Go to "Create New Widgets
  • Go to "Get Started" READ what this says. We can also alter the size of the graphic, which I had to do. This will be FUN!
4. BEFORE YOU LEAVE TODAY (all caps means shouting and I am not really doing that!) Carefully select a coming of age novel to add to your Shelfari. If you don't get Shelfari up and running today, we will finish on Friday.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Did You Know?

After you watch this video, Go to New Post and write a reaction. Mention at least 3 things that stood out to you. Then, read classmates reactions and comment on everyone's. Go for it!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blogger Tutorial


This shows you what to do step by step to set up your Blogger Blog.

The Name you use must be written like this one:
Reece Massey OHS Blogspot
Student School Type of Blog

YouTube Tutorial

Digital Text

Digital Text
What forms/kinds of digital text do you see here?

How will we organize all of this data?

Look for 3 cool ideas and jot them down on an index card while you watch... then get ready to answer these questions on your first blog post.

Reminder: Correct format requirements apply to all writing in this class. You have a WIDE audience! Consider typing in Word first for help with grammar/spelling.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Getting Started on Blogs and Podcasts

  1. Helps to operate in at least 2 tabs on FireFox: One for viewing and one for editing.
  2. Blogs in plain English: Click here.
  3. Get your Google Account (unless you already have one) Click here:
  4. Set up your blogger account first: Click here.
  5. How follow the podcast steps: Click here.
  6. GarageBand Tutorial video steps. Click here.
  7. Recording for Podcasts with Audacity. Click here.
  8. Creating a Podcast with blogger YouTube. Click here.
  9. How to publish your podcast on Blogger. Click here.
  10. Blogger Help
  11. Podcasting in Plain English
  12. Embedding a YouTube video on your blog. Click here.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Monday, April 12, 2010

You should have enough information about your favorite junk food product to try this.

First, create your COUNTER AD for your product before playing with this. Remember that you will need a slogan, expert testimony, nutritional information and images "real photos".

Remember to TYPE UP your headings for your "Truth" Counter Ad.

You will present this on Tuesday and Thursday. You need to show your ad to the class. Be ready to pull up the commercial ad that you found for contrast to your ad.

Okay... then, if you have time, use the information from your notes to make an xtranormal movie with lego characters who talk about your junk food. They will be arguing, one for one against.

Read the directions. Notice that you can add gestures, change camera angles, and more!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Saturday Night Live? The Colbert Report? What is this type of "entertainment" Go here

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Digital Nation

Digital Nation will tickle your brain with ideas. Consider these:

Geeks are normal now.

Technology = Oxygen This is not good or bad. It is powerful, though. What we do with it determines much.

We are consumed by that which nourishes us. Technology?!
Sonnet 73
In me thou seest the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
*Consumed with that which it was nourished by*

Do virtual worlds bring us together or make being alone more bearable? Do they "re-write the rules of engagement"?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

PowerPoints on Blogger Through Slideshare

I googled PowerPoints on Blogger and came up with Slideshare. We are going to try this. Sign up right away.

We will learn together!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Portal to Media Lit mwesch

This is our 2nd hour long video lesson to watch. He asks students:
How many of you do not like school?
How many of you do not like learning?
What does this room say about learning?
What does good learning look like in our Web 2.0 world?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

AnthroIntro to YouTube

This will be worth your time! Plan to use the pause button. Get the work sheet ready, electronically first. Okay to use the handout... but I'd like you to try this electronically first.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Shake the Dust

This is a great Poetry Slam video. What a message! Watch this!

Video Contest Suggestions

Video Submission Suggestions

  • The ideal video length is about 1 minute or less. Viewers tend to lose their attention for anything longer.
  • For uploading your video, use YouTube or SchoolTube.
  • Higher resolution is better. Currently, YouTube allows for 1290 x 720 (16x9 HD) and 640 x 480 (4:3 SD).
  • Start and end the video with the word, its part of speech, definition, and the url where it can be voted on - and replace with your vocab word.
  • For the information you fill out when uploading a video, enter the following:
    • For the Title, and replace with your vocab word.
    • For the Description, write the vocab word, its part of speech, definition, the sample sentence (if you have one), and the Vote for this video at and replace with your vocab word.
    • The Tags BrainyFlix, SAT, ACT, vocab, contest, reading, writing, memorize, MIT, and replace with your vocab word.
    • Sample:

Video Contest: Brainyflix

Brainyflix Video Contest

We're running our annual Brainyflix Video Contest starting JANUARY 1, 2010. We'll be awarding a Grand Prize of $600 to the video that receives the most number of votes. Half will go to the maker(s) of the video and the other half will go to his or her school. And to make this viral, we'll give out 1 free iTunes download for every 3 videos you submit or referrals you provide. (iTunes downloads available for first 900 videos only).


  • Make a video about any SAT/ACT vocabulary word of your choosing from this list. Please pick a word without any videos submissions! :)
  • 1 video for 1 word, but you can make as many videos as you want.
  • In your video, you MUST use the word & use the word correctly. In fact, the more times you use the word, the better the video.
  • Anyone can enter the competition! Just remember that part of the prize money has to go to a U.S. high school or middle school of your choosing.
  • All voting will happen at, so make sure your video includes the following Vote for this video at And substitute with your vocab word.
  • Be fun! But please be cool and not submit anything that will get us busted by your teachers. That said, we reserve the right to remove videos for any reason, stated here or not.
  • Important contest dates:
    • Video submission opens: 1/1/2010
    • Video submission ends: 3/15/2010
    • Voting opens: 3/16/2010
    • Voting ends: 3/29/2010
    • Winners announced: 3/31/2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Video Blogs

We are starting semester II with Video Blogs =Vlogs. So far, (1/12/10) Willie and Cody have successfully loaded their first "vlogs". The rest of the class needs to keep working on this step now until the vlog is loaded.

Do not go through Youtube, by the way. Go back to the original video recording. Look on the back board for directions. Export as a .mov file. Also, try opening the video in Quick Time and then exporting. Good luck. This will all work out. Be persistent!