Wednesday, August 25, 2010

1st Block 8/25

Your blogs look great! I have commented on each one and popped in a grade for you. I want you to get in the habit of checking MY blog to see what we are up to.

Here's what we want to get after today:

  1. Edit your blog post after reading my comments.
  2. Using headphones, watch 2 videos: " Digital Text" and "Did You Know?"
  3. Write your next blog post using at least 3 new cool ideas you picked up by watching the videos. We will have our FIRST round table discussion using our SocSem guidelines and your ideas from watching this. I will set a time so be sure to focus, watch, then write your post.
If time (I hope) we will set up Shelfari. It is not too hard.
  • You go to the Shelfari site first.
  • Find the "More Content" button to the left.
  • Go to "Your Widgets"
  • Go to "Create New Widgets
  • Go to "Get Started" READ what this says. We can also alter the size of the graphic, which I had to do. This will be FUN!
4. BEFORE YOU LEAVE TODAY (all caps means shouting and I am not really doing that!) Carefully select a coming of age novel to add to your Shelfari. If you don't get Shelfari up and running today, we will finish on Friday.

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