Wednesday, August 25, 2010

1st Block 8/25

Your blogs look great! I have commented on each one and popped in a grade for you. I want you to get in the habit of checking MY blog to see what we are up to.

Here's what we want to get after today:

  1. Edit your blog post after reading my comments.
  2. Using headphones, watch 2 videos: " Digital Text" and "Did You Know?"
  3. Write your next blog post using at least 3 new cool ideas you picked up by watching the videos. We will have our FIRST round table discussion using our SocSem guidelines and your ideas from watching this. I will set a time so be sure to focus, watch, then write your post.
If time (I hope) we will set up Shelfari. It is not too hard.
  • You go to the Shelfari site first.
  • Find the "More Content" button to the left.
  • Go to "Your Widgets"
  • Go to "Create New Widgets
  • Go to "Get Started" READ what this says. We can also alter the size of the graphic, which I had to do. This will be FUN!
4. BEFORE YOU LEAVE TODAY (all caps means shouting and I am not really doing that!) Carefully select a coming of age novel to add to your Shelfari. If you don't get Shelfari up and running today, we will finish on Friday.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Did You Know?

After you watch this video, Go to New Post and write a reaction. Mention at least 3 things that stood out to you. Then, read classmates reactions and comment on everyone's. Go for it!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blogger Tutorial


This shows you what to do step by step to set up your Blogger Blog.

The Name you use must be written like this one:
Reece Massey OHS Blogspot
Student School Type of Blog

YouTube Tutorial

Digital Text

Digital Text
What forms/kinds of digital text do you see here?

How will we organize all of this data?

Look for 3 cool ideas and jot them down on an index card while you watch... then get ready to answer these questions on your first blog post.

Reminder: Correct format requirements apply to all writing in this class. You have a WIDE audience! Consider typing in Word first for help with grammar/spelling.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Getting Started on Blogs and Podcasts

  1. Helps to operate in at least 2 tabs on FireFox: One for viewing and one for editing.
  2. Blogs in plain English: Click here.
  3. Get your Google Account (unless you already have one) Click here:
  4. Set up your blogger account first: Click here.
  5. How follow the podcast steps: Click here.
  6. GarageBand Tutorial video steps. Click here.
  7. Recording for Podcasts with Audacity. Click here.
  8. Creating a Podcast with blogger YouTube. Click here.
  9. How to publish your podcast on Blogger. Click here.
  10. Blogger Help
  11. Podcasting in Plain English
  12. Embedding a YouTube video on your blog. Click here.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
